Merchant Platform

Merchant Platform is online website platform for merchant cash check transaction/download report.

We also have application for check transaction, please check at Ksher Boss Pro Page

How to Login

merchant platform
merchant platform th
  • Enter your username and password you receive.

Home Page

merchant platform homepage

After login general account will include following Menu.

  1. Home

  2. Merchant Information

    • Checking all of merchant’s registered details such as company name, mobile number, registered address, email address as well as payment channels with MDR commission fee

  3. Transaction Management

    • Checking transaction status both real-time and trace back

    • Generating transaction report as an excel file

  4. Settlement Report

    • Checking settlement details such as transaction amount, MDR commission fee, VAT and tax invoice number

    • Downloading settlement report as an excel file

  5. Account Balance

    • This feature will use for payout. In case merchant not use payout please ignore this. **

  6. IT integration

    • Downloading and resetting merchant’s private key to integrate with merchant’s website/online platform to receive payments from customers.

Merchant Information

Merchant information Menu is mainly used for checking all of merchant’s essential registered details.

merchant platform merchant information

For example:

  • Merchant’s company name

  • Mobile phone number

  • Registered address (which will be shown on tax invoice)

  • Email address for receiving tax

  • Merchant’s bank account

  • Opening payment channels and MDR commission fee of each payment channel.

In case that the merchant would like to change the merchant information, kindly contact Ksher Customer Support team.

Transaction Management

Transaction Management Menu is used for checking transaction status both real-time and trace back.

merchant platform transaction details
  • Transaction Details: real-time checking transaction result

  • Transaction Report: available to download as excel file

Transaction Details

This menu is used for checking transaction status both real-time and trace back. The details shown in this page:

  1. Merchant ID (MID), Merchant name, Transaction operation date and time and payment channel

  2. Transaction operation type (“Payment” or “Refund”)

  3. Payment operation status

    • Succeed: the transaction was successfully paid.*

    • In the Process: the transaction was not successfully paid by customer (e.g. customer did not input OTP for payment verification in the final step)

    • Closed: the transaction was not successfully paid by customer as they closed the screen before finishing to proceed a payment.

  4. Ksher order number (starting with 900…)

  5. Channel order number (e.g. WeChat order number will start with 4200…, Alipay order number will start with 202…)

  6. Merchant order number

  7. Interest bearing (Merchant or Customer)

  8. Installment period: only for installment payment channel

  9. Transaction amount

  10. Cashier name (in case that merchant has created cashier account for each staff/branch)

Transaction Report

Transaction Report is used for generating transaction report and exporting it as an excel file.

How to create transaction report

merchant platform transaction report1
  • Choose Transaction Management > Transaction Report menu

merchant platform transaction report2
  • Choose the transaction period (each file can be created as a monthly file)

  • you can setup merchant id , transaction time want to export, Payment channel, Operation status

merchant platform transaction report3
merchant platform transaction report4
  • Input files name and click confirm.

  • Name download task file all of English and Thai alphabets as well as number will be allowed.

  • Click “Confirm” button.

merchant platform transaction report5
  • Click “Download” button for exporting excel file

“Regenerate” button is used for updating the data in case that merchant has already generated transaction report of that period of time.

Example Transaction Report

Transaction Report can export in .xlsx excel format. Data at report will following like this table

merchant platform example transaction report

VOID / REFUND at Transaction Manangement Menu of the platform

merchant platform refund
  1. Go to the [Transaction management] menu and search orders you

  2. Click confirm to refund

  3. Select whether to full refund or partial refund

  4. In case partial refund , please input refund amount

  5. Input password for refund

Settlement Report

Settlement Report Menu is used for checking settlement details such as transaction amount, MDR commission fee, VAT and tax invoice number for each payment channel

merchant platform settlement report
  • In this menu, Ksher will separate the settlement report for each wallet as the transaction amount will be transferred separately.

  • Each row in settlement details shows one settlement period (e.g. transactions on Friday to Sunday will be considered as one settlement period and will be transferred to merchant’s bank account on Monday (T+1 condition))

  • Each row will show the following details:

    1. Merchant ID (MID), merchant name and transaction period

    2. Transaction amount

    3. Payment channel

    4. MDR commission fee

    5. VAT 7% calculated from MDR commission fee

    6. Installment fee (only installment payment channel)

    7. Withholding tax 3% that Ksher will be deducted for this amount and send it to Revenue Department for the merchant

    8. Tax invoice number

It can be downloaded as an excel file to view details of each transaction. Excel file will display only select Payment Channel

How to download Settlement Report

  1. Select Require Date

  2. Click Download

Example Settlement Report

merchant platform example settlement report

All of the settlement details will be shown in the file including

  • Total amount: total transaction amount

  • MDR (%): commission fee of each payment channel as a percentage rate

  • Fee: commission fee per transaction (THB) (Total amount x (MDR/100))

  • VAT: VAT 7% calculated from fee (Fee x(7/100))

  • Settlement Amount: Total settlement amount that Ksher will transfer to merchant (Total amount – fee – VAT) The summary of settlement report will be shown at the bottom of each file.

Example of settlement report excel file for installment payment channel

All of the settlement details will be shown in the file including:

  • Total amount: total transaction amount

  • MDR (%): commission fee of each payment channel as a percentage rate

  • Fee: commission fee per transaction (THB) (Total amount x (MDR/100))

  • Interest-bearing: depending on whom merchant has chosen to pay interest when generating Linkpay (merchant or customer)

  • Installment period

  • Interest rate: the interest percentage rate of each payment channel

  • Interest fee: interest fee per transaction (THB) (Total amount x (installment period) x interest rate)

  • VAT: VAT 7% calculated from fee and interest Fee*7/100) + (interest fee*7/100

  • Settlement Amount: Total settlement amount that Ksher will transfer to merchant (Total amount – fee – interest fee - VAT)

The summary of settlement report will be shown at the bottom of each file.

Account Balance

merchant platform balance management

Caution: This feature will use for payout. In case merchant not use payout please ignore this.

IT Integration

For Merchants use API, you can download the private key from this menu. Please see at Download Private key / Public key

Caution: If merchant use API Integration. Make sure you checked with your IT team it will not impact with current running system. After reset the old private key will not able to use.

How to use on video