Muti level account or Cashier.

muti level account01

Ksher support muti-level account, but only one level. Multi level account use for merchants have Many branches/cashier and want to limited access transection for each branches/cashier.

  • Used when the branch uses the same information such as business type / bank account / tax invoice address. So you don’t have to open a new account ccoun with ksher.

  • Only used for checking the balance of transactions made from Sub MID.

  • You can used for transactions Accept payments.

The name of sub account we call Cashier Account.

  • Used when all account information is the same, there are many branches that want to know where the money came from.

  • Sub MID account holder can add Cashier Account by themselves through KsherBoss Pro APP.

  • You can add an unlimited amount of Cashier Account.

  • Main Account can see the total amount of incoming transactions from all Cashier Accounts.

  • Cashier Account can only see the transaction amount that itself is accepting the payment, unable to see the transaction balance of other cashier.

How to check cashier account

Ksher Boss Pro

muti level account ksherbosspro 01
  • Login to ksher boss pro. Click at menu name Cashier management.

muti level account ksherbosspro 02
  • It will display available cashiers. Click to look at the cashier who wants to check.

muti level account ksherbosspro 03
  • It will display username, password, operator ID. you can use to login

keep Operator ID to use in API

How to call API

if you want to check cashier information from API, please check on merchant_info API

check response value "operator_list", you can see list of cashier.

Example request merchant_info API

    "appid": "mch35005",
    "nonce_str": "b5f0d87e1c1375ea90a8bc94c6a82e1c",
    "sign": "b4cdec9dc8e4359d8f3c34da4eb07ebce3f1d17d9fcdd357e96c3e6493c1db49313e9b79386622e63db5d8aa5e3c1104383694c4ef3b4aa50ab7beb61fdf614ed3e452272c8f3645aa64842695e108db35c6b0ce1cc2abe71393c440ab9caec67fc3d7102be894c652917957631ff330091d2aa08b31b0851692748637eb1ac9",
    "time_stamp": "2021032210542020S"

Example response merchant_info API

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "account_type": "Test",
        "agency_info": {
            "agency_name": "",
            "mobile": "08355499352"
        "allow_partial_refund": "N",
        "allow_remote_pay": "Y",
        "bank_info": {
            "account_id": "1111111111",
            "account_name": "1111",
            "bank_name": "002,BANGKOK BANK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED",
            "swift_code": "BKKBTHBK"
        "bd_info": {
            "bd_name": "DAVE",
            "mobile": "15103423471"
        "business_mode": "online",
        "city_name_cn": "曼谷",
        "city_name_en": "Bangkok",
        "city_name_th": "กรุงเทพมหานคร",
        "contact": "OnlineTest_6",
        "country_info": {
            "country_name": "Thailand",
            "phone_code": "+66"
        "country_support_channel": [
        "extra_info": {},
        "has_open_use_coupon": "N",
        "is_master_mch": "N",
        "logo_url": "",
        "master_mch_id": "0",
        "mch_appid": "mch35005",
        "mch_id": "35005",
        "mch_name": {
            "mch_brief_name": "OnlineTest_6",
            "merchant_name": "OnlineTest_6"
        "mch_notify_url": "",
        "mch_support_channel": [
                "day_sum_limit": -1,
                "pay_channel": "alipay",
                "settlement_time_type": "T+2",
                "single_order_limit": -1
                "day_sum_limit": -1,
                "pay_channel": "linepay",
                "settlement_time_type": "T+2",
                "single_order_limit": -1
                "day_sum_limit": -1,
                "pay_channel": "airpay",
                "settlement_time_type": "T+2",
                "single_order_limit": -1
                "day_sum_limit": -1,
                "pay_channel": "card",
                "settlement_time_type": "T+2",
                "single_order_limit": -1
                "day_sum_limit": -1,
                "pay_channel": "promptpay",
                "settlement_time_type": "T+2",
                "single_order_limit": -1
                "day_sum_limit": -1,
                "pay_channel": "wechat",
                "settlement_time_type": "T+2",
                "single_order_limit": -1
                "day_sum_limit": 10000000,
                "pay_channel": "ktc_instal",
                "settlement_time_type": "T+1",
                "single_order_limit": 10000000
                "day_sum_limit": -1,
                "pay_channel": "truemoney",
                "settlement_time_type": "T+2",
                "single_order_limit": -1
        "mobile": "888888886",
        "nonce_str": "6ab86e441e92b32d18241de57faccbaf",
        "operator_list": [
                "add_time": "2020-04-21 17:56:41",
                "mch_id": "35005",
                "operator": "OnlineTest_6",
                "operator_id": "29398",
                "rule_id": "0",
                "state": "1"
                "add_time": "2021-02-11 10:11:18",
                "mch_id": "35005",
                "operator": "000000001",
                "operator_id": "38897",
                "rule_id": "1",
                "state": "1"
        "price_fee_type": "THB",
        "rigist_time": "2020-04-21 10:18:27",
        "settlement_fee_type": "THB",
        "time_zone": "+07:00",
        "wht": 0
    "msg": "ok",
    "sign": "a192f04a91b154a36cc3952e4ea3be7185018fa482bda659cce92a127067dac74ace2b4103da923cba44b1a8aa950cd2d2375bf34d7a4ca8d1936b1b363ebcdb",
    "status_code": "",
    "status_msg": "",
    "time_stamp": "2022-01-12T20:01:35.592288+08:00",
    "version": "3.0.0"

How to call API

By add "operator_id": "operator_id number at cashier"

Example request at nativepay API

    "appid": "mch35000"
    "channel": "wechat",
    "fee_type": "THB",
    "mch_order_no": "test35",
    "nonce_str": "ad4ceed6f6f9272614824127b46e996c",
    "notify_url": "http://94df37d5e409.ngrok.ioapi/gateway_pay/success",
    "operator_id": "38888"
    "sign": "72cef3ca22956403551f48cfbfb7a24c76ea18969381819efce65ec394e72e56d492e6cdb090c9c7e1c463d0cb017100c3ffdba68cbfa8cda556e078323b8191c9fa1ee3f27bd1a294c2af4a4c18006d3eca18c3b65a85409f46e4635919ac1f603e1bd6710d1831a9e564e949a72b2ea28c1219098ea0ad2a475c4fb98b3496",
    "time_stamp": "2021021114204040S",
    "total_fee": "100"

Example request at gateway API

    "appid": "mch35000",
    "channel_list": "alipay,wechat,linepay,airpay,promptpay,truemoney,card",
    "device": "PC",
    "fee_type": "THB",
    "lang": "en",
    "mch_code": "mch_code abc_test2",
    "mch_order_no": "ca1234",
    "mch_redirect_url": "http://localhost:5000/api/gateway_pay/success",
    "mch_redirect_url_fail": "http://localhost:5000/api/gateway_pay/fail",
    "nonce_str": "da515ca3c08dddaf91303e54d06cd17e",
    "operator_id": "38888",
    "product_name": "test 1",
    "refer_url": "http://localhost:5000",
    "sign": "275002bf7cfcc9e6971d7ff82bf10744cae7d04dcb70a7385a0e80ae1919fd119a1fe4d85502b20b3cce09cbcbb3f05e128347dfd91f7b281d916f5b320f28665998270ce906386aaee1bf5ce7b80424458837638ee521dbb83df0eb657d62d86daa0e24745f3d7abc7cd90459c64ceec621796c42f1f7b909f515f70c05139b",
    "time_stamp": "2021021114355555S",
    "total_fee": "200"